I’ve known the creators of Turnstile Tours (www.turnstiletours.com), Cindy and Andrew, for about a dozen years. They do walking tours all around the city, and since the pandemic they’ve done virtual tours in the city and elsewhere. I was introduced to Sandra, the force behind AdaptAbility, about a year and a half ago. AdaptAbility builds adaptive transportation for people with disabilities - first kids,now adults as well.
Cindy and Andrew wanted to do a segment about AdaptAbility, featuring Sandra and including an interview with me. We did it yesterday and it’s a blast. Most of the time is rightly spent with Sandra; the interview with me, in Prospect Park, starts at around 40:15. You can watch the video below.
Get in touch if you want to join me on a trike ride!
Day 1 on the tricycle, May 2019, with Michael and Sandra. Photograph by Nick Peterson.